淋巴瘤(pulmonary lymphoma,PL)仅累及肺部淋巴组织并在随后3个月内不累及纵隔、肺门及其它部位的淋巴组织称为原发性肺淋巴瘤(primarypulm[onary lymphoma,PPL),占全部淋巴瘤的0.4%1]。继发性肺淋巴瘤(secondary pulmonary
Lymphoma (pulmonary lymphoma, PL) involving only the lymphoid tissue of the lung and does not affect the mediastinum, hilar and other parts of the lymphoid tissue within the next 3 months is called primary pulmonary [onary lymphoma (PPL) Accounting for 0.4% of all lymphoma 1]. Secondary pulmonary lymphoma (secondary pulmonary