1以形成性评价为主导,为学习者提供自助式服务自1967年斯克里芬(scriven)提出形成性评价(Formative Eval-uation)概念以来,形成性评价日益受到重视,它是强调开展以调节过程,保证教育目标更好地实现为目的的评价活动。形成性评价主要是关注学习过程,试图通过改进学习过程而改善学习结果。它除了评价知识、技能等可量化的方面以外,
1 Leading to Formative Assessment Leading to Self-Service for Learners Since the concept of formative evaluation (Formative Eval-uation) was proposed by scriven in 1967, formative evaluation has received more and more attention. It emphasizes the importance of adjusting Process, to ensure that educational goals to achieve better for the purpose of evaluation activities. Formative evaluation focuses primarily on the learning process and attempts to improve the learning outcomes by improving the learning process. In addition to assessing quantifiable aspects of knowledge, skills, etc.,