化学肥料是我们日常生活中经常碰到的一种物质,也是中考大纲明确要求同学们必须掌握的一种物质.现将各类试题中出现的与“化肥”有关的试题整理如下,供同学们在学习和复习中加以参考.一、选择题例1 合理使用化肥有利于农作物的生长和减少对环境的污染,下列有关化肥的叙述中正确的是
Chemical fertilizer is a substance that we often encounter in our daily life, and it is also a substance that the students in the middle school exam syllabus explicitly require students to master. Now the examination questions related to “chemical fertilizers” appearing in various test questions are collated as follows: The students will use it as a reference in their study and review. I. Multiple Choice Example 1 The rational use of chemical fertilizers is beneficial to the growth of crops and the reduction of environmental pollution. The following is correct in the description of chemical fertilizers.