1990年9月10日,灵武县招待所礼堂内,庆祝第六个教师节暨表彰优秀班主任大会正在进行。优秀班主任代表青年教师王旭东在介绍经验,“……1983年,我父亲患了肝癌,卧床不起,生命只能以天计算了。我作为家中长子,理应在父亲跟前尽孝心。可我反覆思量,还是放不下学生,我便将父亲托给多病的母亲和年幼的弟妹看护。从学校到我家,五十多里路,我每周两三次晚上走,早晨回,奔波于家和学校之间。就这样坚持了两个多月,从未迟到早退过一次,也未请过一天假。直到学校放假,才匆匆赶回家,守护在已奄奄一息的父亲病榻旁。五天之后,老人家便离开了人世。我痛哭,我难受……”整个礼堂鸦雀无声,人们屏住呼吸,倾听着这位年轻人的讲述。 王旭东,1979年中师毕业后成为一名人民教师,自走上工作岗位的第一天起,他就将爱因斯坦的名言——对于一个人来说,所期望的不是别的,而仅仅是他能全力以赴和献身一种美好事业——作为自己的座右铭,立志将一生献给自己所热爱的教育事
September 10, 1990, Lingwu guest house auditorium to celebrate the sixth teacher’s day and commend the outstanding class meeting is under way. Excellent teacher on behalf of the young teacher Wang Xudong introduced the experience, “... ... In 1983, my father was suffering from liver cancer, bedridden, life can only be calculated by day, I, as the eldest son of the family, should be in front of his father filial piety. , Or let go of students, I gave my father caress sick mother and young siblings from school to my home, more than 50 miles, I go two or three times a week night, go back in the morning, go back home and school So insisted on for more than two months, never retreated to retreat once, did not take a day off until the school leave, only hurried home, guarding the dying father’s bedside sickness.Three days later, the elderly I passed away, I cried, I was sad ... ”The auditorium silent, people hold their breath, listening to the young man’s story. Wang Xudong, became a teacher of the people after graduating from the middle school in 1979. From the very first day he took his job, he put Einstein’s famous remark - for one person, what he expects is nothing but merely Is that he can go all out and devote himself to a beautiful career - as his motto, determined to dedicate his life to the education he loves