哭过 爱了 笑了——我的教育故事

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那是4年前的8月,在秋季开学工作会上,当宣布我接任2011级2班班主任工作兼语文教学工作时,这个消息传来,犹如晴天霹雳,我简直懵了。虽然生平不是第一次受挫折,但没有思想准备的我还是一下子无法接受。按照常理,我应该继续教原班级,不过是毕业班而已,而接替我所教班级的居然就是2011级2班的老师。第二天,开始了我的班主任工作,报完名,初步统计,没有完成假期作业的,全班56人中就有40人,还有7~8个是拿不出假期作 It was 4 years ago in August. When I announced that I took over as the second-grade teacher in charge of class work and Chinese language teaching in 2011, the news came like a bolt from the blue. Although life is not the first setback, I still could not accept without thought. According to common sense, I should continue to teach the original class, but only the graduating class, and to replace the class I actually taught is Class 2011 Class 2 teachers. The next day, began my class teacher work, reported the name of the preliminary statistics, did not complete the holiday homework, there are 40 people in the class 56, there are 7 to 8 can not take leave for
和风拂面  由日本瑞德(Reed)展览集团和社团法人日本珠宝协会共同主办的2007第十八届东京国际珠宝展,于1月24日~27日在日本东京有明展览馆(Big Sight)举办。