测定了广东珠海大镜山剖面 (DJS)、增城剖面 (ZC -1、ZC -2 )、阳江飞鹅岭和圆周岭剖面(FEL、YZL)的物性指标 ,通过建立崩岗数学模型 ,设定不同的坡面参数条件 ,计算了坡面和稳定临界深度 ,当坡度 <4 3°时 ,坡体的稳定临界深度 >2m。根据雨水在花岗岩风化剖面的渗透特点 ,计算了一定强度的降雨在不同时间内的湿润前锋 ,由临界深度与湿润前锋的对比 ,说明了降雨与崩岗的关系。此外 ,还结合文献中日本和香港地区崩岗灾害的统计资料结果 ,探讨了不同时间的降雨对坡体稳定性的影响
The physical indexes of DJS, ZC-ZC-2, Fie and YZL in Yangjiang were measured. By setting up the mantle collapse model, According to different conditions of slope parameters, the slope and the critical critical depth are calculated. When the slope is less than 4 3 °, the critical critical depth of slope is> 2m. According to the infiltration characteristics of rainwater in the granite weathering profile, the wetting front of a certain intensity of rainfall at different times is calculated. The relationship between rainfall and collapse is illustrated by the comparison between the critical depth and the wetting front. In addition, based on the statistics of collapse disasters in Japan and Hong Kong in the literature, the effects of rainfall at different times on the stability of slopes are discussed