This article provides an original calculation to illustrate the global land, water and nitrogen use of livestock for industrial production and international trade, with an emphasis on the two fastest growing sectors - pork and poultry industry. The main focus of this paper is on international trade of feed and animal products, and a new model is used to calculate the amount of virtual, virtual nitrogen and virtual land resources required for production. However, this article does not cover water embedded in products , Nitrogen and land quantity. We illustrate how major importing countries such as Japan, which benefit from the trade in virtual water, virtual nitrogen and virtual land resources, are the main exporters of meat, such as Brazil, that offer these goods while the corresponding environment The cost has not been real compensation. Simulation results of the model show that due to the importation of pork and chicken, Japan obtained about 50% of the total arable land in Japan, while the remaining virtual nitrogen remained in the United States. Brazil exports feed and meat products to China, equivalent to 15% of China’s virtual nitrogen remaining in Brazil. Brazil has 20% of the land planted with soybeans for export. Since the United States and the Netherlands are both importers and exporters of meat, they have a dual identity. The trade related to meat products, feed, water and nitrogen is complex. To reduce the environmental damage caused by industrialized production and trade of livestock requires a combination of measures, including the direct correction of prices, the adoption of management approaches and the best management practices. This analysis shows that if all these measures are implemented, the water and nitrogen use efficiency will increase, the land will be protected and the resource cost will be significantly reduced.