小葵子(Cuizotia abyssinica)系菊科向日葵属,一年生草本植物,原产东非埃塞俄比亚,我国于1972年引进,我所于1982年从四川引入。经二年试验看出,小葵子是一种生长速度快,鲜草产量高,营养丰富,易腐烂分解的优质肥饲兼用的夏绿肥。
Cuizotia abyssinica belongs to Asteraceae Sunflower, annual herb, native to East Africa, Ethiopia. Our country was introduced in 1972, and I was introduced from Sichuan in 1982. After two years of testing shows that the small Kui is a fast growing, fresh grass yield, nutrient-rich, perishable decomposition of high-quality fertilizer and summer green manure.