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根据契诃夫的小说《脖子上的安娜》改编的苏联同名影片已在我国复映。据说,根据苏联作家田德里亚柯夫的小说《不受欢迎的人》改编的苏联影片《不称心的女婿》也即将在我国银幕上复现。您知道吗?《脖子上的安娜》中饰女主角安娜的演员拉里奥诺娃和饰《不称心的女婿》中的男主角费多尔的演员雷布尼科夫是一对志同道合的、幸福美满的伉俪。拉里奥诺娃生于1931年,比雷布尼科夫小一岁。他们同时考入苏联国立电影大学表演系,都是苏联电影大师格拉西莫夫培养的高材生,后来都成为苏联著名演员,并获得了俄罗斯联邦共和国功勋艺术家的称号。在电影大学学习期间,他们初次同台演出了根据斯丹达尔的小说《红与黑》改编的戏剧。雷布尼科 According to Chekhov’s novel “Anna on the neck” adapted from the Soviet Union the same name movie has been rehearsed in our country. It is said that the Soviet film “The Unsatisfied Son-in-Law,” adapted from the novel “Unpopular” by Soviet writer Tianliyakov, is about to resume on the Chinese screen. Did you know? “Ana” in the neck in the actress Anna’s actor Larionova and decorated “inattentive son-in-law” in the actor Fedor’s actor Rybnikov is a like-minded, Happy couple Larionova was born in 1931, one year younger than Rybnikov. At the same time they were admitted to the performance department of the Soviet Union National University of Cultures, are the top students trained by the Soviet film masters Gerasimov, later became a famous Soviet actor, and won the title of meritorious artist of the Russian Federation. During their study at Film University, they performed for the first time on the same stage a play based on Standal’s novel “Red and Black”. Rybnik
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