四十多年来,我一直在从事西安鼓乐的收集、整理、研究、扶持、保护、继承与发展工作。 我是西安人,土生土长,一直工作在这里,和鼓乐有不解之缘;与许多艺师情同手足,亲密无间,这才造成了我必须全面承担义务的条件。 多年来,长期地孤军奋战。工作中,失败的经验和成功的经验几乎是一比一。但我并没气馁,不怕失败,没有放弃工作,结果还是得到了鼓乐界老师与师兄弟们的理解与信任,学术界知音人的支持。现在,我已是离休之人,工作条件几乎完全没有了,但还得干。为了完成未竞之业,可能还要干到灯乾油尽为止。
For more than 40 years, I have been engaged in the collection, collation, research, support, protection, inheritance and development of Xi’an Drum Music. I am a native of Xi’an who has been working here for a long time and has a bond of indulgence with drum music. With many artisans, I have the same hand, foot and face, which has created the condition that I must fully assume my obligations. Over the years, long-term struggle alone. In the work, the experience of failure and the success of almost one to one. However, I was not discouraged. I was not afraid of failure and did not give up my work. As a result, I got the understanding and trust of drum music teachers and brothers and the support of well-known scholars in academia. Now that I am a retired person, my working conditions are pretty much gone but I have to do it. In order to complete the unfinished business, may have to dry lamp dry.