今年的秋天,注定是一个不平静的秋天,各相机生产商纷纷选择在这个季节发布新品,数码单反相机家族又添新丁,相机的像素也是节节攀升,一场新的拉锯战就此展开。在人们的种种猜测之中,佳能发布了新款的全画幅数码单反相机EOS 1Ds MarkⅢ。佳能EOS 1Ds MarkⅡ上市之后,成为了首款全画幅的单反数码相机,在没有其他其竞争对手的情况下,它的价格一直坚挺,1670万的像素也让它傲视群雄。此次EOS 1Ds MarkⅢ的像素增加
This fall is destined to be an unsettling autumn. All camera manufacturers have chosen to release new products this season. The family of digital SLR cameras has also added a new batch of cameras. As a result, the pixels of the camera are also climbing steadily. A new tug of war started. Among the speculation among people, Canon released the new full-frame digital SLR camera EOS 1Ds Mark Ⅲ. After the launch of the Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II, it became the first full-frame SLR digital camera, and its price has been strong without any other competitor, with 16.7 million pixels making it stand out. The EOS 1Ds Mark III pixels increase