尊敬的各位专家、学者:女士们、先生们: 我曾于1997年访问过韩国,从汉城到济州岛,山美水美人更美,韩国人民对中国人民的深厚感情,给我留下深刻而美好的印象。在中韩建交10周年之际,我有机会率中国社会科学院代表团来韩国参加“第十次中韩论坛”,感到非常高兴。请允许我代表与会的中国专家、学者向为增进中韩友谊作出贡献的韩国同仁们致以亲切的问候和诚挚的敬意!
Dear Experts and Scholars: Ladies and Gentlemen, I visited South Korea in 1997 and from Seoul to Jeju Island, the beautiful beauty of the mountains and water and the deep feelings of the Korean people towards the Chinese people left me a deep impression Good impression. On the 10th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea, I have the opportunity to lead a delegation from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences to South Korea to participate in the 10th China-South Korea Forum. I am very happy. Allow me, on behalf of the participating Chinese experts and scholars, to extend my cordial regards and sincere respect to the Korean colleagues who made contributions to enhancing the friendship between China and South Korea!