
来源 :科学大观园 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:goddesslee
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每个家长都希望自己的孩子有高高的个子,长得精神又帅气。一般来说,青少年是增高长高的黄金时期,而在这段年龄之前,供给足够的营养(指儿童生长发育必需的营养素),可以促进孩子快速增高。所以,趁着孩子还处于“飙高”时期,赶紧给孩子补补营 Every parent wants their children to be tall, smart and handsome. In general, adolescents are a golden age of growth and elevation, and by this age adequate nutrition, the nutrient essential for the growth and development of children, can be boosted rapidly. So, taking advantage of the child is still in the “soaring high” period, and quickly make up for the child camp