支气管哮喘(简称哮喘)是我国的一种常见疾病,其患病率达0.5~2%。本文就近年来临床研究方面的若干进展作一概述。关于发病学一、激发因素:一般认为,体质的特异反应性(Atopy),或称遗传过敏体质,对本病的形成关系很大,但对哮喘的发作来说,激发因素仍占重要的地位。 (一) 特异性刺激因子:患者吸入特定的过敏原(如尘埃、花粉和微生物等)后诱发哮喘。 (二) 非特异性刺激因子:在呼吸道反应性增强
Bronchial asthma (referred to as asthma) is a common disease in China, the prevalence rate of 0.5 to 2%. This article gives an overview of several advances in clinical research in recent years. On the pathogenesis First, the stimulus: It is generally believed that the physical atopy (Atopy), or allergenic constitution, the formation of this disease is very large, but for the onset of asthma, the trigger still occupies an important position . (A) specific stimulus: the patient inhaled specific allergens (such as dust, pollen and microorganisms, etc.) induced asthma. (B) non-specific stimuli: increased reactivity in the respiratory tract