第一章 总論 解放九年來,兒童保健事業由于党和政府的重視,有了很大的發展,如到1955年为止全國城市托兒所达6,370个,收托小孩18万5千余名,至1956年全國農忙托兒所达634,640个,收托兒童达六百多万,此外医療保健机構的建立,兒科医生的培养等,对保証及提高兒童的健康水平起了决定性的作用。
Chapter One General Introduction In the nine years since the liberation, the cause of child health care has greatly developed due to the importance attached by the party and the government. For instance, by the year of 1955, there were 6,370 childcare centers nationwide and more than 185,000 child spouses up to 1956 In the year 634,640 rural nurseries were busy receiving farm work and more than 6 million children were housed. In addition, the establishment of health care institutions and the training of pediatricians played a decisive role in ensuring and improving the health of children.