对于鲁迅先生的《记念刘和珍君》(以下简称《刘》文),1994年的《名作欣赏》发表了两篇文章:一篇刊于首期,为梁锡华先生所写(以下简称“梁文”);一篇刊于尾期,乃靳极苍先生所撰(以下简称“靳文”)。认真地细看了二文,又展读了鲁迅的这一名篇,心中油然涌出一些极想说出的话。 两篇文章虽都不乏欣赏的成分,但显然都有了文字评论的味道。这也难怪,赏与评往往是互相渗透,难分难解的。我觉得,两篇文章都有可贵的精神一前者在勇敢地倡导一种无论对谁的作品都须该赞则赞,该贬则贬的评风,后者在真诚地维护鲁迅先生的伟大,这都是应该肯定的。然而,可惜的是,二位先生的文章都有明显的下足。首先给人的不好印象是,二位先生的某些指责性的言词部过于偏激和尖刻了。比如,“梁文”竟讥讽鲁迅的一些文句是“填充料混杂壅塞”的“最不可恕的西化劣句”,“落得个悍而不精的下场——悍得令读者头痛”,进而论断说鲁
For Lu Xun’s Memoirs of Liu and Zhenjun (hereinafter referred to as “Liu”), two articles were published in “Appreciation of Famous Works” in 1994: one was published in the first issue, written by Mr. Liang Xihua (hereinafter referred to as “Liang Wen” ); One published in the latter part of the period, is Mr. Jin Jiacang (hereinafter referred to as “Jin Wen”). Carefully read the two texts, and read this famous article of Lu Xun, the heart poured out some extremely want to say. Although the two articles are no lack of appreciation of the ingredients, but apparently have the flavor of written comments. It is no wonder that rewards and criticisms are often infiltrated and inextricably linked to each other. I think both articles have a valuable spirit. The former bravely advocates a style of criticism that deserves praise and derogatory criticism of any work, and the latter sincerely defends the greatness of Mr. Lu Xun, All this should be sure. However, it is a pity that the two gentlemen’s articles all have obvious footings. First of all, it gives the bad impression that some of the accusatory words of the two gentlemen are overly extreme and sharp. For example, “Liang Wen” actually sneered some of Lu Xun’s articles as “the most unforgivable westernization sentence” of “mixed stuffing and stuffing”, “ending a defensible and imprecise performance-defying reader’s headache” and concluded that Lu