一个慈祥的老人告别了他热爱、眷恋的文学和人生,一个忘年交的朋友抛下了我们自己孤独地上路了,一个笑眯眯的脸庞永远只能铭刻在亲朋好友的心里!痛何言哉?!痛何言哉?! 得知老李病危,我大为震惊。他的身体是不错的,他的心态是健康的,他卸下工作的破担子退下来也不过一百天而已,为什么就马上不行了呢?苍天无眼哪!对这样一个大好人为什么这样残酷?!人生无常,是谁第一个说出来的呢?有道理,真有道理呀!在抢救室中我看到了弥留之际的老李,看到了一个像婴儿一样无助的躺在床上的老李,看到了一个从英英武武走向衰残不堪的老李,看到了再也不会和我谈笑风生的老李!想说一句话,已经没机会了。
A kind old man bid farewell to his love, nostalgic literature and life, a year-old friend left us alone on the road, a smiling face can only be engraved in the heart of friends and family! I was shocked to learn that she was in critical condition. His body is good, his mentality is healthy, he took off the work of the burden of a hundred days to retreat it only, why not right away? Heaven without eyes! Why such a good man so cruel In the emergency room I saw the occasion of the dying Li, saw a baby as helpless as lying on the bed Lee, saw a from Wuying Wu to the decadent Lao Li, saw no longer talk to me talkative Li! Want to say a few words, no chance.