在江西省东部怀玉山与武夷山间的红色丘陵盆地中,有个群峰叠嶂,奇石赤壁,浓荫环翠,景色幽清的地方——圭峰. 1.圭峰与“龟峰” 来圭峰旅游,远望群山,一怪石擎天耸立,似利剑,更似朝臣们手中的圭笏.故此得名. 从圭峰疗养院出发,沿绿荫曲径蜿蜒而上,迎面一嶂断崖横路,上书“龟峰”二字,十分夺目.原来,主峰活象翘首伏卧的大龟.而在圭峰众景之中,“三叠龟”可算一奇.在高耸的峭壁上三只小龟叠置在一起,引颈远眺,形象逼真.传说很久以前,一个大乌龟带着三个孩子来此居住.一天,乌龟妈妈外出觅食,久去未归.小乌龟们心急如焚,爬上崖顶张望,却未见妈妈的身影.于是一只爬到另一只背上叠在一起,向妈妈去的方向遥望,一直望到今天.故圭峰亦名龟峰.难怪在《弋阳县志》中屡见“龟峰”的名字呢.
1. In the red hilly basin between Huaiyushan Mountain and Wuyishan Mountain in the eastern part of Jiangxi Province, there are a group of peaks and peaks, Chibi Chibi, Come to Guigong tourism, Yuanwang mountains, a strange stone towering sky, like a sword, more like the hands of the courtiers in Watts. Therefore named .From Gui Feng sanatorium, winding along the gale meandering, The face of a precipice across the cliff, the letter “Guifeng ” the word, very eye-catching.It turns out that the main peak like lying turtle lying turtles.While in the Kwai Fong view, “Triassic turtle ” can be a strange On the towering cliffs, three small turtles stacked together, overlooking the neck, lifelike image.A long time ago, a big turtle with three children came to live here one day, turtle mother go out for food, long time no go The little turtles were anxious and climbed to the top of the cliff to look out, but they did not see their mother’s figure, so one climbed onto the other and put them on their backs to look forward to today’s direction. No wonder in the “Yiyang County,” often seen in the name of “Turtle”.