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  SHANGHAI: Plans for the magnetic levitation (maglev) rail route linking the eastern cities of Shanghai and Hangzhou have been put on hold, partly because of residents’ concerns about radiation, it was reported over the weekend.
  “The project has been suspended by the municipal government,” Xinhua News Agency said, citing an unidentified official of Minhang District in Shanghai’ suburbs, where the proposed line has encountered strong opposition from residents because of potential health concerns.
  An official with the city’s lawmaking body confirmed that the major reason for shelving the project was concerns over radiation, Xinhua said.
  But an official with the Minhang District government told China Daily yesterday that the government and experts still need to discuss and conduct more research on the ¥4.5 billion project. He refused to comment on the reported halt.
  Last week, German technology supplier Siemens AG said that it was close to signing a deal that would allow the world’s only maglev train in commercial use.
  In March last year, the central government approved a feasibility study on the 175 km Shanghai-Hangzhou route with speeds of up to 450 km per hour. But recent accidents and cost concerns, as well as strong opposition from local residents, have thrown a spanner in the works.
  The project was expected to be completed by 2010 in time for the Shanghai Expo.
  A maglev train on a trial run crashed in Germany last year, killing 23 people. In August last year, one of the maglev trains in Shanghai caught fire, forcing it to be evacuated.
  Although the original budget was for ¥4.5 billion, Xinhua cited experts estimating a final tally exceeding ¥5.2 billion.
  According to residents along the proposed route, the maglev line would have been separated from communities by a greenbelt only 22.5 meters wide, although a blueprint at the local government indicated a protection belt 150 meters wide would be built on either side. German specifications require a 300-meter leeway on both sides of the track.
  1. The maglev rail route has been suspended mainly because of ________.
  A. recent accidents
  B. concerns of radiation
  C. cost concerns
  D. disapproval from the government
  2. It will take you about _______ minutes to travel in the maglev train from Shanghai to Hangzhou if the project is completed.
  A. 18 B. 25 C. 23 D. 20
  3. The technology used in the maglev train is from ________.
  A. Germany B. Italy C. America D. Japan
  4. The actual cost of the project is about _______ percent more than the original budget.
  A. 13 B.16% C. 16 D. 13%
  5. According to the passage, which of the following is true?
  A. The project will be given up forever.
  B. 23 people have been killed in the Shanghai-Hangzhou maglev route project.
  C. There has to be a protection belt at least 150 meters wide on each side of the proposed route according to the specifications of the technology supplier.
  D. There has been no maglev train in commercial use in the world so far.
  1. B 由 “An official with the city’s lawmaking body confirmed that the major reason for shelving the project was concerns over radiation, Xinhua said.” 可知。
  2. C 由 “In march last year, the central government approved a feasibility study on the 175 km Shanghai-Hangzhou route with speeds of up to 450 km per hour.” 可得: 175÷450×60≈23。
  3. A 由 “German technology supplier” 可知。
  4. C 由“Although the original budget was for ¥4.5 billion, Xinhua cited experts estimating a final tally exceeding ¥5.2 billion.” 可得: (5.2-4.5)÷ 4.5 ×100%≈16%
  5. D 由“it was close to signing a deal that would allow the world’s only maglev train in commercial use.” 可知。
  The encroaching Kumutage Desert is threatening the Mogao arottoes in Dunhuang, Gansu Province, a scientist warned yesterday.
  The Shule River, which runs through the Dunhuang oasis, has so many dams on it that its water are shrinking, said Wang Jiru, director of the Gansu Desert Control Institute in Wuwei, Gansu.
  The Institute, which is situated near the desert’s edge, has been monitoring the desert’s shifting sands over the past four decades.
  It has found the sixth largest desert in China, covering 20,00 sq km, growing between 1-4 m every year since 2004.
  The 1,600-year-old Mogao arottoes are just 50 km east of the desert. Its caves are famous for their statues, wall paintings and 1,000 years of Buddhist art.
  They are being damaged by sand blown from the desert and in the future could be buried by the drifting sands, Wang said.
  The desert is expanding because there is less water in the Shule River to its east. Increased agriculture in the Dunhuang oasis and damming on the river since the 1960s has dried up the area, Wang said.
  As the desert expands there is less vegetation, fewer wild camels and other animals, he added.
  Desertification in the country is a serious problem. The desert has almost covered Minqin County in Gansu.
  It is moving 8-10 m a year along the chain of oases known as the Hexi Corridor.
  The corridor once connected China’s central plains with the grasslands in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and separated the Tengger and Badain Jaran Deserts.
  Building dams was one of the reasons Minqin has been devastated, Wang said. Residents also dug up more than 10,000 wells, exacerbating the situation.
  1. The desert is expanding because of _______.
  A. less water in the Shule River B. damming on the river
  C. increased agriculture D. all the above
  2. The Mogao Grottoes are famous for the following except ________.
  A. statues B. its location C. wall paintings D. Buddhist art
  3. From the text, we can see that _______.
  A. the Hexi Corridor was not an oasis
  B. the Kumutage Desert once expanded from 1 to 4 m every year
  C. the Mogao Grottoes may be located east of the Shule River
  D. digging up wells helped improve devastation
  4. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
  A. The Mogao Grottoes
  B. The Kumutage Desert
  C. Creeping Desert Threatens Mogao Grottoes
  D. Desrtification
  1. D由 “The desert is expanding because there is less water in the Shule River to its east. Increased agriculture in the Dunhuang oasis and damming on the river since the 1960s has dried up the area, Wang said.” 可知。
  2. B由 “Its caves are famous for their statues, wall paintings and 1,000 years of Buddhist art.” 可知。
  3. C由“The 1,600-year-old Mogao Grottoes are just 50 km east of the desert.”和“The desert is expanding because there is less water in the Shule River to its east.”可知。
  4. C本文主要讲述沙漠正在逼近并威胁古代文化遗址the Mogao Grottoes。因此答案为C。
原题 已知在一个60度的二面角的棱上有两个点A,B,AC,BD分别是在这个二面角的两个面内,且垂直于AB的线段,又知AB=4cm,AC=6cm,BD=8cm,求CD的长(如图1所示)。
作为一个班级很需要有班魂,因为它能使整个班级凝聚起来,成为一个真正的整体。班魂所在,班风所存。班魂是一个班的本质,是内涵。所以,我在每接手一个新的班级时,都会非常重视班魂的确立。  人靠精神而站立,人靠精神而活着。永不言败,才有积极的人生;永远争第一,才有无穷的活力。因此,我将“亮剑精神”确定为班魂。所谓“亮剑精神”,就是“逢敌必亮剑,剑锋所指,所向披靡的精神”,也就是一种“众志成城,坚忍不拔的精
前段时间,一篇题为《有人对我说,“你以为你出国就了不起了?”》的博文在网上流传甚广。身为数以万计在国外半工半读的中国留学生中的一员,作者洞悉了一切海外留学的酸甜苦辣,也愤懑于很多人对留学生的误解。开篇那一句饱含火药味的“你以为你出国就了不起了?”诉诸了众多“无定位”群体的无可奈何,也让同样遥望他乡月明的我默默感伤。  如今回想起来,当年为了报考新加坡SM2的奖学金项目,没日没夜地攻读英语;拿到通知
原文输入  “滑一刀”是酒城有名的外科大夫,“滑一刀”的大名叫滑儿。  滑儿出身贫寒,儿时家境极差。父母辛苦工作,勉强维持个不饿肚子。母亲操劳过度,在滑儿五岁的时候,得了重症。因无钱医治,只得在家硬挺着。母亲临终前,捧着滑儿的小手,放在嘴边轻轻地亲着,说:“孩子,长大了当医生,给老百姓治病。”又对滑儿的父亲说:“再苦再难,也要供滑儿上学读书。”父亲外出打工,把滑儿托付给堂兄。父亲愿意做最苦最累最脏
中戏、上戏、北影……这些闪闪发光的校名,你一定很熟。不过,很多同学会觉得自己与此无关,因为下意识就会先想到表演系的招生标准。据说,不是美得冒泡或帅得脱形,就想都别想。其实,纵然当不了明星、名导,仍然有成为电影精英的可能。如果你能依靠自己的才华与智慧,以及超强攻略,就可以迈进北影的管理系。  管理……怎么听怎么像商科啊,其实也没错,艺术与商业在如今绝对不可分割。  【攻略目录】  北京电影学院管理系
A painter hangs his or her finished pictures on a wall, and everyone can see it. A composer writes a work, but no one can_____1 _____it until it is performed. Professional singers and players have gre
A    Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C,and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.  Why is setting goals
【命题】  舞台  【要求】  (1)写成以记人或叙事为主的记叙文。  (2)不少于800字。  【提示】  (1)注意文体是有要求的,要写成记叙文。  (2)“舞台”可以用实和虚两种理解。可实指表演的舞台,以情动人;也可以用它表达一些抽象的概念,赋予深刻的含义。    学生习作一  舞 台    鼓声渐起。他以新一任总理的身份微笑着走上舞台,在此之前,他是副总理,再之前是上海市市长。  小号高奏