各种机械通气法引起的坏死性气管支气管炎这一致命性呼吸道损害均已见报道。本研究比较正常频率的正雎通气(PPV)和两种高频通气法—全频振荡通气(HFOV)和高频断流(HFFI)一在早产狒狒气管支气管引起的组织病理变化。作者们在狒狒的3/4妊娠期肘通过子宫切开获得早产狒狒,这些早产狒狒共44只,平均出生体重为525g,出生后即行气管内插管,然后随机分组,用不同的通气法通气。所有动物在观察期间均用氨苄青霉素(100mg/kg/d)和庆大霉素(5mg/kg/d)治疗。常规 PPV 的通气速率为30~60次/分,HFOV 和 HFFI 的通气频率为10Hz(即600次/分一校者注)。26只早产狒
A variety of mechanical ventilation caused by necrotizing bronchitis, a deadly respiratory tract damage have been reported. This study compared histopathological changes induced by normal-frequency ventilation (PPV) and two high-frequency ventilation methods, HFOV and HFFI, in the tracheobronchial of premature baboon. The authors obtained prenatal baboons by hysterectomy at the third and fourth gestation of Baboons. These baboons, 44 in average, weighed 525g and were given endotracheal intubation after birth and then randomly divided into groups and ventilated with different ventilation . All animals were treated with ampicillin (100 mg / kg / d) and gentamicin (5 mg / kg / d) during the observation period. Conventional PPV ventilation rate of 30 to 60 beats / min, HFOV and HFFI ventilation frequency of 10Hz (ie 600 beats / min a school Note). 26 premature baboons