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今年9月10日的中国教师节恰巧与传统的中秋节(9月12日)相邻,要不要给老师送礼、送什么礼、礼是不是要比(往年)单节更重一些等,成了困扰一些中国家长的心病;而老师们也为要不要收礼、怎么拒绝收礼、收了礼怎么办等问题犯难。在笔者的朋友中,一部分认为:教师节给老师送礼是必须的,否则大家都送我没送, On September 10 this year, the Chinese Teachers’ Day just happens to be adjacent to the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival (September 12). Do you want to give gifts to teachers or not? Is the ceremony more serious than in previous years? Troubled some Chinese parents heart disease; and teachers also want to receive gifts, how to refuse to receive gifts, how to do when received gifts and other crimes. In the author’s friends, some think: Teacher’s Day gifts to the teacher is necessary, or we did not send me to send,
《语文新课程标准》指出:“语文课程应致力于学生语文素养的形成和发展。阅读教学应逐步培养学生探究性阅读和创造性阅读的能力,提倡多角度、有创意的阅读,利用阅读期待、阅读反思和批判等环节,拓展学生的思维空间,提高学生的阅读质量。”那么,如何优化阅读教学呢?  一、“读”与“写”的结合  阅读教学,应以“读”为本。全国小学语文研究会理事长崔峦先生说过:“朗读能发展学生的思维,激发学生的情感。随着学生朗读能