拥有数十亿的资产,吴炳新也曾想游历山水、寄情诗画,安车余年,但“一定要做出一番事业”的信念使已过花甲之年的吴炳新仍上紧发条,毫不松懈。也正是凭这种信念,使他虽半生磨难却仍然笑在风雪成功路,即使几次在死亡线上挣扎也无怨无悔。 面对这样一位老人、你能够感受到他不服年限的旺盛精力及壮心不已的豪情壮志,从容、稳健与自信,吴炳新的形象就这样在记者的视线中定格……
With billions of assets, Wu Bing-hsin also wanted to travel through mountains and rivers and send poems and paintings to the rest of his life, but his conviction that “we must do something” made Wu Bingxin, who had passed through the first year, Relax. It is also by virtue of this belief that, despite his half-life tribulation, he still laughed at the success of the snowstorm and did not complain even if he struggled several times on the death line. In the face of such an old man, you can feel his energetic and unpredictable pride, calmness, confidence and self-confidence. Wu Bingxin’s image is thus fixed in the reporter’s eyes ......