正在全省宣传思想战线开展的“大练兵”活动,实则是 一次难得、必需的“检修”机会。说其难得,是因为这次 “大练兵”是在全省宣传思想战线全面推开的,是有领导、 有目标、有步骤稳步推进的;是上至“中枢神经”(宣传思 想战线各级领导),下到“全身肌体”(一般宣传干部、新闻 出版文艺战线一般从业人员)的整体联动。说其必需,在于 这样的“大练兵”活动是宣传思想战线为更好地高举旗帜、 保持一致、贴近中心、服务大局而采取的积极举措。
The “big training” campaign that is being carried out in the propaganda and ideological front of the whole province is in fact a rare and necessary “maintenance and repair” opportunity. To say that it is rare is because this “big training army” has been fully promoted in the propaganda and ideological front of the province with leaders, targets and step-by-step steady progress; from the “central nervous system” (propaganda and ideological front Leadership), to the “whole body” (general propaganda cadres, press and publication arts front general practitioners) the overall linkage. To say that its necessity is that such “big training” activities are propaganda positive measures taken by the ideological front to better hold high the banner, remain consistent, stay close to the center and serve the overall interests.