,尽管“幸福,带有强烈的主观色彩,在中国的现行体制下,政府必须并且有能力从影响人们幸福的外部因素入手,提升人们的幸福度有时候人们不得不质疑字典的权威性,尤其当他们与中国一同变迁的时候。比如“幸福”一词,《现代汉语词典》给出的解释是,“(生活境遇)称心如意。”还配了这样一个例句:“随着经济的发展, 人民越来越幸福。”
Despite the “happiness, with a strong subjective tone, under the current Chinese system, the government must and has the ability to improve people’s happiness from external factors that affect people’s happiness. Sometimes people have to question the authority of the dictionary, especially As they change with China, such as the word ”happiness,“ the explanation given in the Dictionary of Modern Chinese is that ”(life situation) is pleasing. There is also an example sentence: “As the economy develops, the people are getting happier.” "