
来源 :中国茶叶 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:FACYFACYFACY
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茶黑毒蛾Dasychira baibarana Matsumura属鳞翅目,毒蛾科,主要是幼虫为害幼嫩芽叶。经调查,在为害区每丛茶树虫口密度高达1000余条,在虫口密度大,食料欠缺的情况下,不仅吃去嫩叶,连老叶也为害,轻则叶片呈缺刻,重则片叶不留,仅存残枝(见图6),不仅对茶叶产量和品质有很大影响,同时也严重影响树势。笔者于1980——1981年对该虫进行饲养观察,并进行多次防治试验。现将研究结果整理如下。形态特征成虫雌虫体长约18毫米,翅展36毫米,前翅呈栗黑色,外缘约有8个呈点状黑褐色斑,项角内侧常有三、四个颜色深浅不一的纵斑,前后排列不齐,其内侧伸至外横线,外横线呈波状纹,褐色。翅的中部近前缘有一个灰白色斑块,其下方臀角内侧还有一个黑褐色斑块,斑块外侧下角常有一个白色小斑纹。翅的中部呈银灰色,翅基部均为黑褐色。后翅灰褐色, Tea black moth Dasychira baibarana Matsumura is a Lepidoptera, moth family, mainly larvae damage young shoots. After investigation, in the harmed area per Cong tea pest population density of up to 1000, in the population density, lack of food, not only to eat young leaves, and even the old leaves are also harmful, ranging from the leaves were notched, heavy leaves is not Stay, only the remaining branches (see Figure 6), not only on tea yield and quality have a great impact, but also seriously affect the tree potential. The author in 1980 - 1981, the worm breeding observation, and repeated prevention and control tests. The results are summarized below. Morphological characteristics Adult female body length of about 18 mm, wingspan 36 mm, chestnut was black chest, the outer edge of about 8 spots brown spots, the medial corner often three or four different color depth of the spot, Before and after the missing, the inner stretch to the outer horizontal line, the outer horizontal wavy, brown. There is a grayish white plaque in the front of the central part of the wing, and there is a dark brown plaque on the inner bottom of the bottom of the wing. A small white mark is often found on the lower corner of the plaque. The middle of the wing was silver gray, wing base are dark brown. Hind wings taupe,
十三、银纹夜蛾及其近似种 银纹夜蛾及其近似种均属于夜蛾科金翅夜蛾亚科(Plusiinae)。它们翅上常有金银 Thirteen, Spodoptera and its approximate species of Spodopter
粉锈宁(Bay Meb 6447)是国外近年来新合成的杀菌剂,对作物白粉病、锈病的防治效果良好。据美国报道,在田间试验中,用25%粉锈宁可湿性粉剂拌种,每100公斤种子300~400克,防治小
最近,我国免征个人收入所得税范围确立: 1、省级人民政府、国务院各部委和中国人民解放军军以上单位以及外国组织、国际组织颁发的科学、教育、技术、文化、卫生、体育、环