介绍了虎门大桥工程通车以来对白花山右线隧道的养护管理。阐述了 :(1)对隧道关键部位进行形变监测的目的和方法 ;(2 )解决了通车初期隧道内车辆事故频繁发生的问题 ;(3)隧道渗水的处理。养护管理工作保证了隧道结构的正常使用年限及行车的安全畅通
The maintenance and management of the Huayunshan right lane tunnel since the opening of Humen Bridge Project was introduced. (1) The purpose and method of deformation monitoring of the key parts of the tunnel; (2) Solving the frequent occurrence of vehicle accidents in the tunnel; (3) The treatment of tunnel seepage. Maintenance and management of the tunnel structure to ensure the normal service life and traffic safety and smoothness