Acupuncture at a single point is a spe-cial feature in the treatment of acute symp-toms for its simplicity and effectiveness.Theauthor experienced many cases of
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a com-mon and frequently occurring disease.Sinceits cause has not been made clear in modernmedicine,so far there is no ideal remedy
The levels of plasma norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (E) were determined by HPLC in 220 patients with various TCM liver syndromes, and in 96 healthy subject
Case HistoryMs. Liu, a 63-year-old housewife, paid her first visit on Oct.7, 1986 with main complaint of distension and pain in the chest and hypochondrium, and
HOW TO TREAT CHRONICPROSTATITIS WITH THE EXTERNALTHERAPEUTIC METHODSZhou Anfang 周安方Expert Clinic of Hubei College of TraditionalChinese Medicine,Hubei Provin
Acupuncture is useful in the treatmentof apoplectic hemiplegia,and the use ofscalp acupuncture for this disease has a longhistory.Since the early’70s,the funct