Squeezing carrot pollen with two dissecting needles ruptures to release sperm cells. Isolation of egg, accessory and central cells from carrot embryo sacs by enzymatic and dissection methods. The carrot ovule is first enzymatically digested in the enzyme solution for 40-50 min and then transferred to an enzyme-free separation solution to dissect the ovule with a dissection needle. The oval end of the joint cut, gently squeeze the ovule beads, eggs, cells and central cells can escape. Under the optimal conditions, 5 egg cells were isolated from 20 ovules in 20 min. The osmotic pressure and enzyme composition of the isolated embryo sac cells were screened. The isolated egg cells were collected using a micromanipulator. The successful isolation of carrot sperm, egg cells creates the conditions for ex vivo fertilization exploration in dicotyledons.