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如今中国葡萄酒产业发展迅速,酿酒葡萄原料基地建设却显得有些滞后。当前的葡萄基地管理中出现农业劳动力短缺、机械化作业推广滞后等问题。改进现有的种植模式,借鉴其他国家的先进经验,逐步推进葡萄生产管理机械化进程,使农机与农艺相结合,是推动葡萄种植业由传统农业种植向新型机械化、集约化种植转型的重要途径。 Nowadays, the wine industry in China is developing rapidly. However, the construction of raw materials for brewing grape raw materials has lagged behind. The current shortage of agricultural labor force in the management of the grape base, mechanized operation lags behind the promotion and other issues. Improving existing cropping patterns, drawing on the advanced experience of other countries, and gradually promoting the process of mechanization of grape production management, combining agricultural machinery and agronomic practices are important ways to promote the transformation of traditional grapevine cultivation from traditional agriculture to new mechanized and intensive cultivation.