单侧喉返神经麻痹 (URLNP)引起声门闭合不全 ,声门结构发生变化 ,其神经生理学原理至今尚未完全阐明。目前治疗 URLNP的声带内移手术主要有四种 ,即声带内注射术 ,外径路甲状软骨内移整形术 ,杓状软骨内收术和喉神经移植术。每项手术都有其特别的适应证和优越性。喉解剖、生理和神经生理学知识对确定最佳的治疗方式是必要的。本文献综述的目的是叙述当前喉生理学和神经生理学的观念 ,总结现行的 URL NP的治疗方法。
Unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis (URLNP) caused incomplete glottal closure and changes in glottis structure. The neurophysiological principles have not yet been fully elucidated. The current treatment of URLNP vocal cord shift in the surgery there are four main types, namely vocal cord injection, the diameter of the thyroid cartilage transfer surgery, arytenoid cartilage adduction and laryngeal nerve grafting. Each operation has its own special indications and advantages. Laryngeal anatomy, physiology, and neurophysiological knowledge are necessary to determine the best course of treatment. The purpose of this review is to present the current concepts of laryngology and neurophysiology and to summarize the current treatment of URL NPs.