Comparative proteomic and metabolomic analyses reveal mechanisms of improved cold stress tolerance i

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:CSgrr
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As an important second messenger, calcium is involved in plant cold stress response, including chilling(<20 °C) and freezing(<0 °C). In this study, exogenous application of calcium chloride(CaCl2) improved both chilling and freezing stress tolerances, while ethylene glycol‐bis‐(b‐aminoethyl) ether‐N,N,N,N‐tetraacetic acid(EGTA) reversed CaCl2 effects in bermudagrass(Cynodon dactylon(L.) Pers.).Pysiological analyses showed that CaCl2 treatment alleviated the reactive oxygen species(ROS) burst and cell damage triggered by chilling stress, via activating antioxidant enzymes,non‐enzymatic glutathione antioxidant pool, while EGTA treatment had the opposite effects. Additionally, comparative proteomic analysis identified 51 differentially expressed proteins that were enriched in redox, tricarboxylicacid cycle,glycolysis, photosynthesis, oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, and amino acid metabolisms. Consistently, 42 metabolites including amino acids, organic acids, sugars, and sugar alcohols were regulated by CaCl2 treatment under control and cold stress conditions, further confirming the Researchcommon modulation of CaCl2 treatment in carbon metabolites and amino acid metabolism. Taken together, this study reported first evidence of the essential and protective roles of endogenous and exogenous calcium in bermudagrass response to cold stress, partially via activation of the antioxidants and modulation of several differentially expressed proteins and metabolic homeostasis in the process of cold acclimation. As this important second messenger, calcium is involved in plant cold stress response, including chilling (<20 ° C) and freezing (<0 ° C). In this study, exogenous application of calcium chloride (CaCl2) improved both chilling and freezing stress tolerances, while ethylene glycol-bis- (b-aminoethyl) ether-N, N, N, tetraethyltetraacetic acid (EGTA) alleviated reactive oxygen species (ROS) burst and cell damage triggered by chilling stress, via activating antioxidant enzymes, non-enzymatic glutathione antioxidant pool, while EGTA treatment had the opposite effects. in redox, tricarboxylic acid cycle, glycolysis, photosynthesis, oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, and amino acid metabolisms. Consistently, 42 metabolites including amino acids, organic acids, sugars, and sugar alcohols were regulated by CaCl2 treatment under control and cold stress conditions, further confirming the Researchcommon modulation of CaCl2 treatment in carbon metabolites and amino acid metabolism. Taken together, this study reported first evidence of the essential and protective roles of endogenous and exogenous calcium in bermudagrass response to cold stress, partially via activation of the antioxidants and modulation of several differentially expressed proteins and metabolic homeostasis in the process of cold acclimation.
摘 要:新课改以来,高中英语教材发生了变化,传统的、模块式集中学习的语法布局被打破了,取而代之的是分散的,溶入对话与其它内容中的语法知识体现,这既是对于语法教学工作的一种改进思路的体现,也是根据语法在语言中的地位与作用的一种调整。新时期的高中英语教学工作必须及时跟进教学指导思想的变化,改进教学方法,充分发挥教材的作用,完善英语语法教学工作,提升学生的语法理解与应用水平。  关键词:英语教学;语
摘 要:随着当前经济社会的飞速发展,教学改革也在不断的深入,多媒体教学的应用使得教学效果得到了很大的提升。在今后,多媒体教学正在朝着纵深方向进步。在此背景之下,本文主要对大学英语课堂应用多媒体教学中出现的诸多问题进行了分析,并提出了解决问题的具体措施,希望能够产生积极的影响。  关键词:多媒体;英语;必要性;问题;措施  1前言  随着目前信息技术的飞速发展,多媒体技术及其应用正逐渐的受到了人们的
摘 要:本研究从过程写作法流程的分析入手,阐述写作教学过程经历触发、收集资料、草稿、评改和编辑五个阶段。评改作文是写作过程的核心阶段,教师反馈和同伴反馈都有利于提高学习者对习作内容的深入思考,写作教学中心环节重在培养学生评改作文的能力,在写作过程中提高学习者的语言认知能力。  关键词:过程写作法;评改;反馈  前言  写作训练是开拓学生创新思维的有效途径。过程写作法重视写作过程所有环节的全部学习
英语难学是许多农村学生发出的感叹。单词多,语法不好懂,学习单调乏味,是造成学生厌学的重要因素。由于学生的厌学心理,自然也导致教学效率低,尤其是身在乡村的学生,由于教学设备的相对落后,教师的教学方法缺乏创新,学生学习效率差劲的壮况就尤为突出。因此如何丰富英语课堂的教学内容,提高学生学习英语的兴趣,就成了英语教学中的当务之急。丰富教学内容、激发学生兴趣的途径主要有以下两个方面。  一.激发兴趣,借助教
摘 要: 学习动机在英语教学活动中起着重要的作用。本文以自我决定动机理论为依据,结合中职生英语学习的特点和多年英语教学实践, 探讨了如何激发和培养学生英语学习动机的策略,进而提高英语课堂教学效果。  关键词: 自我决定动机理论 中职 英语教学  一、引言  中职学生英语基础较差,上课听不懂,学习困难,无法与老师互动,因而对英语学习产生畏惧心理,甚至厌学。笔者将自我决定动机理论应用到中职英语教学中