
来源 :鲁东大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:miaoym
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鸦片战争时期的姚莹是晚清经世派的重要代表人物。作为晚清重要的封疆大吏,姚莹任职长达30余年,期间,他的治民思想和采取的一系列治民政策,不但使其治下存在的一些积重难返的问题得到一定程度的解决,稳定了属地的社会秩序,也为后世积淀出丰富而自成系统的治民思想。 Yao Ying during the Opium War was an important representative of the late Qing classics. As an important post-Qing dynasty territorial official, Yao Ying served more than 30 years. During this period, his thought of governing the people and a series of governing policies adopted by the government not only helped solve some of the difficulties that existed under its rule to some extent, Stabilized the social order, but also for future generations has accumulated a rich and self-contained system of public opinion.