攀枝花市工会帮扶工作现状当前,四川省攀枝花市共有职工总数近50万人,困难职工(人均660元以下)总数4107人。其中:特困职工(人均330元以下)1 292人。从调查的困难职工群体来看,其形成困难的主要原因有以下几种:因企业停产半停产所致;因下岗失业所致;因子女上学所致;因单亲收入低所致;困患大病所致。攀枝花市总工会积极开展困难职工帮扶救助工作,较好地发挥了拾遗补缺的作用。一是建立组织领导机制。成立了帮扶领导机构,强化了机制建设和组织领导。形成了一把手负总责,分管领导具体抓,有关部门配
At present, Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province, a total number of nearly 500,000 employees, employees in difficulty (less than 660 yuan per capita) the total number of 4107 people. Of which: special hardship workers (per capita 330 yuan) 1 292 people. From the investigation of the difficulties of workers groups, the formation of the main difficulties due to the following: due to stop production and a half due to stop production; due to laid-off workers; due to school children due to factors; low income due to single parents; serious illness Due. Panzhihua City Federation of Trade Unions actively carry out assistance to help workers in difficulties, better play the role of complementarity. First, establish the organizational leadership mechanism. The establishment of a leadership agency to help strengthen the mechanism and organizational leadership. Formed a handful of total responsibility, in charge of the specific grasp of the leadership, the relevant departments with