Using acupuncture instead of anesthetics to induce analgesia was performed in China many years ago in surgical anesthetization.Although many medical units in Ch
Acute viral bronchiolitis is a leading cause of admission to pediatric intensive care units,but research on the care of these critically ill infants has been li
As an irreversible and perennial process, aging is accompanied by functional and morphological declines in organs. Generally, aging liver exhibits a decline in
In the last two decades,much progress has been made in the control of burn wound infection and nasocomial infections(NI)in severely burned patients.The continiu
AIM:To describe the frequency and biophysical response of sensitive skin in Mexican subjects,using the lactic acid test.METHODS:The lactic acid stinging test wa
Noninvasive in vivo imaging techniques have become an important diagnostic aid for dermatology.Dermoscopy,also known as dermatoscopy,has been shown to increase