皮质旁骨肉瘤是起源于骨表面的成骨性恶性肿瘤,一般恶性程度较低,很少侵犯或破坏骨皮质。对该病的定义及型类多有争论。本文报道的9例中,有1例 CT 检查显示有髓腔侵犯,截除术中发现基底肿瘤组织通向髓腔,其髓内部分呈高度恶性骨肉瘤。因此,作者认为皮质旁骨肉瘤应包括高度恶性者在内。临床需与骨软骨瘤鉴别。
Paracortical osteosarcoma is an osteogenic malignancy that originates from the bone surface. It is generally less malignant and rarely infringes or destroys the cortical bone. There is much debate about the definition and type of the disease. Of the 9 cases reported in this article, 1 case showed CT scans with medullary cavity invasion. Basal tumor tissue was found in the medullary cavity during the ablation procedure. The intramedullary part was highly malignant osteosarcoma. Therefore, the authors believe that paracortical osteosarcoma should include highly malignant. Clinical needs and differential diagnosis of osteochondroma.