The Gini coefficient is an important indicator of the degree of income distribution. The larger the Gini coefficient, the more uneven the income distribution; the smaller the Gini coefficient, the closer the income distribution to the average; its value between 0 and 1. Market economy countries generally believe that the Gini coefficient between 0.3 to 0.4 means that the income gap is relatively reasonable, 0.4 above indicates that the gap is large. According to the analysis of the dual economy in urban and rural areas at the present stage of China, two Gini coefficients can be calculated first: one is the urban Gini coefficient and the other is the rural Gini coefficient. Then use the weighted average method to calculate a Gini number. It is estimated that China’s urban and rural Gini coefficient between 0.32-0.35 two, after the weighted average, but also generally at this level.