根据在佛罗里达州举行的2010年NMA(National Medical Association)年会及科学大会上发表的试验结果,兰索拉唑可以有效治疗频繁夜间胃灼热,并可以安全的作为OTC药物。这是第一项评估用质子泵抑制剂治疗夜间发作的胃灼热效果的文章,该研究和年会均受到诺华公司赞助。
Lansoprazole is effective in treating nocturnal heartburn and is safe as an OTC drug, according to the results of a trial published at the 2010 NMA (National Medical Association) conference and science conference in Florida. This is the first article to evaluate the effect of a proton pump inhibitor on heartburn during nighttime episodes, sponsored by Novartis for both research and annual meetings.