圆明园是清朝五位皇帝:雍正、乾 隆、嘉庆、道光、咸丰的皇家大乐园,历经 一百五十余年的不断经营,工程几乎无 一日中断,遂集明清园林建筑之大成,更 包含西洋建筑,成为大清帝国的一颗灿 烂明珠,也成为中国历史上最伟大,也是 最有名的大型宫殿式御园。 中国传统帝王在儒家的影响之下, 正式宫殿的设计都要按照周礼的规格, 虽望之俨然,庄严隆重,合乎礼教,住在 里面却不一定舒适自在,自然会利用其 雄厚的资源,别建离宫,寻求舒适自在, 满足享乐的欲望,于是汉有上林苑,唐有 大明宫,宋有艮岳。少数民族入主中原的 辽、金、元,也在北京一带建筑皇家园林。 到明清时代,建筑跟庭园设计,经过数千 年之演进,已臻成熟,甚至完美的境界。 清朝皇帝即在此雄厚的基础上,挟其开 国后丰厚的国力,在北京西郊营建了一
Yuanmingyuan is the emperor of the Qing Dynasty: Yongzheng, Qianlong, Jiaqing, Daoguang, Xianfeng Royal Park, after more than 150 years of continuous operation, the project almost no interruption, then set the Ming and Qing dynasties garden architecture, but also contains Western architecture, a brilliant pearl of the Qing Empire, has become the greatest and most famous large palace-style imperial garden in Chinese history. Under the influence of Confucianism, under the influence of Confucianism, the design of the official palace should follow the specifications of the Zhou ceremony. Although it is as solemn as it seems to be solemn and ceremonial, living in it may not be comfortable and comfortable, it will naturally utilize its abundant resources, Do not build the Leo, seeking comfortably, to satisfy the desire to enjoy, so Han Shanglin Court, Tang Daming Palace, Song Gengyue. Ethnic minorities in the Central Plains Liao, Jin, Yuan, also building the Royal Garden in Beijing. To the Ming and Qing Dynasties, architecture and garden design, after thousands of years of evolution, has matured, and even perfect realm. On the basis of this solid foundation, the Qing emperor, relying on its generous national strength after the founding of the People’s Republic, built a camp in the western suburbs of Beijing