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  ◆Abstract:With the national attention to higher education, College English education has become the focus of higher education.In today's economic globalization, the degree of China's reform and opening up is deepening, and the requirements for college students' English level in the new era are gradually improving.In College English teaching, the teaching of English translation has become the top priority. Only by improving the level of students' English translation can we make more contributions to China's reform and opening up.In the traditional college English teaching, the teacher's teaching method for English translation is relatively single, which leads to the students' lack of effective training in English translation, and also limits the improvement of students' English translation level.
  ◆key word:Reverse thinking; English translation; introduction; cultivation
  1 The introduction of reverse thinking into college students' English translation education
  1.1 Change your mind.In English learning, many people will be affected by Chinese. Secondly, there are great differences between Chinese and English expressions, so students often make mistakes in English translation.Because of the differences between Chinese and English, students are required to change their way of thinking in translation.If you don't know how to change your way of thinking, the simplest way is to translate the sentences by double negation. Generally speaking, the sentences translated by this method are in line with English thinking.
  1.2 Change traditional ideas.Nowadays, many college students don't pay attention to English learning, and they just don't want to fail in the English exam.Most of the students only take the professional courses as the key subjects to learn after entering the University, but ignore the learning of English. The reason for the students' negative learning thoughts is that the teachers have some problems in English teaching.As a teacher, we should abandon the traditional concept of English education and use English as a language so that students can apply it to their real life and study. This is the ultimate goal of English teaching.
  2 On the cultivation of reverse thinking in college students' English translation
  2.1 To cultivate the translation of reverse thinking in the way of reverse transformation.Due to the cultural differences between countries, there are different ways of expression between different languages. For example, the way of expression in Chinese is more implicit, but the way of expression in English is very straightforward.As a teacher, in the teaching of English translation, we should let students pay attention to the above problems, and teach students to learn the conversion of positive thinking and reverse thinking, so as to improve their translation level.In Chinese, people like to express from the negative side, but in English, people like to express directly from the positive side. Therefore, students should learn to reverse their thinking in the process of translation.   2.2 Omit translation.In the teaching of College Students' English translation, we should pay attention to the cultivation of students' ellipsis translation, which is very important for English translation.Using ellipsis in translation can greatly improve the efficiency of translation.The ellipsis translation here is not to delete words and sentences at will, but to ensure that the original meaning of the sentence remains unchanged.In the expression of English, there are many redundant words. These words have no actual meaning in the actual sentence, but only play the role of modification. Therefore, these words can be omitted in translation.In addition, in teaching, teachers should pay special attention to the differences between C-E translation and C-E translation, and teach students in different ways.
  2.3 The reverse cultivation of culture.Nowadays, there are many powerful translation software, which can translate any language.Although this way of translation is very efficient, the translated content is often very stiff, without any emotional color.In fact, the translation software only translates the language, only ensures the accuracy of the sentence meaning, and does not take into account the emotion contained in the sentence.Therefore, in the teaching of English translation, teachers should not only pay attention to the cultivation of translation methods, but also let students learn to translate from the perspective of culture, so as to improve the accuracy of translation.In English translation, the teaching of cultural background is also very necessary.
  3 Conclusion
  To sum up, reverse thinking is indispensable in college students' English translation education. The introduction and cultivation of reverse thinking in English translation also need teachers' more efforts to effectively improve college students' English translation level.With the deepening of reform and opening up, the requirements for college students' English translation are higher and higher, and English education has become the focus of college education.The translation method of reverse thinking is an innovation in the teaching of English translation. The translation method of reverse thinking changes the traditional translation mode and pays more attention to the aesthetic feeling and emotion of the translation content while ensuring the accuracy of the translation content.Therefore, in the teaching of College Students' English translation, we should pay attention to the introduction and cultivation of reverse thinking, so as to really improve college students' English translation ability.
◆摘 要:在现代化教育背景下,将课程内容与学生的核心素养结合起来,成为了现阶段教育领域的新发展方向。在英语阅读教学当中,教师不仅要注重学习方法的传递,也要培养学生的核心素养。本文以“高中英语阅读课”为研究对象,对“如何将高中英语阅读课与学生核心素养相结合”这一课题进行深入探究。  ◆关键词:高中;英语阅读;核心素养  随着现代化教育理念的不断发展,高中英语教学越来越多的融入了英语学科核心素养,而在
◆摘 要:小学语文是一门基础的学科,其教学任务是教授学生的听、说、读、寫、理解与运用的能力,需要老师培养学生的学科思维。思维导图在小学语文教学中,是培养学生提升阅读能力的良好选择。本文将就思维导图在农村小学的语文阅读教学中的运用进行论述。  ◆关键词:思维导图;小学;阅读教学;运用  随着教育的不断改革和推进,小学语文教学越来越重视学生阅读能力的培养,而农村小学的学生相对来说,存在着知识面窄、见识
◆摘 要:通过对小学课堂教学案例导入,提出了教师有效导入的四项举措:善于诱导课堂教学情趣,善于将数学内容联系生活实际,善于数学课堂的情境导入,善于数学课堂的感官体验,以供借鉴参考。  ◆关键词:小学数学;课堂教学;有效导入  “小学数学有啥可教?”这是许多公众对于小学数学教师的印象。然而,更可悲的是一些教师多年的“填鴨式”教学模式,在自然感觉没有问题的职业教学习惯中也扼杀了小学生潜在的创新能力,甚
◆摘 要:积极参考新课改内容要求,为了认真贯彻落实教育部关于培养学生获取信息能力,提高学生创新思维,在交流与合作之中提高学生素质,以及提高学生对题目信息提取解读能力的要求。这就需要教师在授课过程中学习有效设置问题,整合教材的知识体系,通过互动交流、小组探讨的方式,锻炼学生的审题解题技能,以各种类型例题帮助学生巧学多练,锻炼学生的思维能力。  ◆关键词:高中政治;主观题解题;信息获取能力  随着时代
◆摘 要:当下教育重视对学生德智体美综合素养能力的培养,重视综合性人才的培养建设。阅读正是为了更好的实现这一目标的重要举措。本文在书香校园构建中对小学名著阅读提出了笔者的一些观点与看法,旨在促使阅读成为学生日常生活和学习中必不可少的一部分,并培养学生终身阅读的意识。  ◆关键词:小学语文;名著阅读;活动  《朝花夕拾》让学生了解了鲁迅所处时代人们之间亲情的表达方式以及对故土的怀念之情;《水浒传》让
◆摘 要:语文作为一门基础性的学科,在小学教育中占据较大的比重。由此随着新课程改革的不断深入与落实,教育部门对小学语文教育提出了更高的要求以及更为严格的教学标准。所以小学语文教师应更新教学观念,以此优化小学语文阅读策略单元的教学实践,提升学生的语文素养水平以及综合素养能力。本文旨在通过分析目前小学语文阅读策略单元教学过程中存在的问题并针对如何进行教学实践的一些建议,希望能激发学生对于语文阅读的学习
◆摘 要:数学广角是人教版数学教材中的特色板块,这个板块主要是依托学生熟悉、又有趣味性的生活场景,渗透数学思想,将数学教学与生活紧密联系,为学生提供自己动手操作和活动的机会,培养学生的数学思维,帮助学生逐渐学会全面思考问题,为学生以后的数学学习奠定良好的基础。本文主要从小学数学广角内容的分析、数学广角内容应用价值以及数学广角内容的教学思考三方面对小学数学广角内容作了简要的解析。  ◆关键词:小学;
◆摘 要:新时代的到来,国家对于教育行业的关注程度逐渐提升。尤其是在新课程改革标准的背景之下,小学语文课堂的教学模式在不断发生更改。课堂提问成为教师教学环节的一项基本手段,对学生学习的积极性和课堂效率都有着极大的影响。因此小学语文教师在课堂上可以将提问策略有效应用,以此来打造出高效的课堂。  ◆关键词:小学高年级;语文课堂;有效提问;策略  新课程改革标准的背景之下,要求课堂之上教师要对课堂提问进
◆摘 要:部编版课本的主编温儒敏老师说:“语文教学,最重要的是培养读书的种子。”为了酝酿这颗种子,在部编版教材里,除了安排“精读课文”和“略读课文”,还安排了“课外阅读”,那就是《快乐读书吧》这一板块。低段的语文教学是学生语文学习的基础,所以本文主要就低段《快乐读书吧》内容的教学策略进行探索,与老师们一起落实课外阅读这一教学目标。  一、《快乐读书吧》的设置目的  部编版课本中,每一本书里都新增加
◆摘 要:新时代的到来,国家对于教育行业的关注程度逐渐提升。尤其是在新课程改革标准的背景之下,各学科的教学模式都在发生更改。数学可以锻炼学生的思维,开发学生的智力。面对这一状况,提高学生的数学质量成为教师教学环节的重要难题之一。在具体的教学过程之中教师应该结合学生的实际状况,利用先进的教学模式将学生引入到学生所熟悉的生活情境之中,以此来培养学生的创新能力和实践能力。  ◆关键词:小学数学;生活情境