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诊断本病在急性期间的早期症状和体征多系非特殊性,但当它发展时,颈项、背部及后腿肌肉强直就立即明显了。这时候脑脊液会有细胞总数及蛋白质增高。这些临床及实验室检查对脊髓灰白质炎来说再度说明是有其特殊性。由于本病是属于一种良性脑膜炎,因此在周围血像中没有相应的变化。一般来说白血球总数有中等升 Diagnosis of the disease in the early stages of acute symptoms and signs of multi-family non-specific, but when it is developed, neck, back and hindquarters muscle rigidity immediately obvious. This time there will be cerebrospinal fluid total number of cells and protein increased. These clinical and laboratory tests again have a peculiarity for meningitis. As the disease is a benign meningitis, there is no corresponding change in the surrounding blood. In general the total number of white blood cells rose