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画家钟增亚钟增亚艺术简介钟增亚(又名金甲),男,汉族,1940年12月出生,2002年9月18目3时42分因病于长沙逝世,衡阳市人。1958年考入广州美术学院附中,1966年毕业于广州美术学院中国画系。师从岭南画派大师关山月、黎雄才、杨之光。学生时期的创作《英模会上》曾入选全国第五届美展,1973年《老教授新著作》等三幅作品同时入选全国美展,并选调北京作画。曾任衡阳市美协主席,湖南美协副主席、常务副主席并从事专业创作。作品先后入选全国第五、六、七、八、九届美展,其《纸条儿》、《芙蓉镇》分获银、铜奖;1987年赴加拿大多伦多参加《87’中国文化节》,并主办《中国当代十入画展》;1988年《苗家女》获“88’首届北京国际水墨画邀请展”优秀奖;1993年赴日本主办《湖南名家七人展》。作品曾在世界30多个国家展览并被重要艺术机构收藏。曾在台湾、南京、武汉、西安、北京、汕头、桂林、潍坊、东莞、深圳等地举办个展、联展。出版有《钟增亚中国画选集》。先后担任中国美协理事、关山月艺术研究会委员、湖南省文联副主席、湖南省书法家协会主席、湖南书画研究院院长、全国第九届美展澳台展区评委、1999年中国美协主办的中国画三百家评委、国家一级美术师、享受国务院特殊津贴专家。 Artist Zhong Zengya Zhong Zenya Art brief introduction Zhong Zengya (also known as Jinjia), male, Han nationality, born in December 1940, September 23, 1836, 3:42 died of illness in Changsha, Hengyang City. 1958 admitted to the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts middle school, 1966 graduated from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Department of Chinese painting. Teacher from Lingnan School master Guanshan Yue, Li Xiongcai, Yang Zhiguang. The creation of the student period “English model meeting” has been selected for the Fifth National Art Exhibition, 1973 “old professor new book” and other three works at the same time selected for the National Art Exhibition, and selected Beijing painting. Served as Hengyang City, the United States Association, vice chairman of Hunan Association, executive vice chairman and engaged in professional creation. His works have been selected for the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth art exhibitions in the nation, and his “paper strips” and “Furongzhen” have won silver and bronze medals. In 1987, he went to Toronto, Canada to attend “87th China Cultural Festival” In 1988, “Miao Girl” won the “88th Beijing International Ink Painting Invitation Exhibition” Excellence Award; In 1993, he went to Japan to host the “Hunan Famous Seven-person Exhibition”. His works have been exhibited in more than 30 countries around the world and have been collected by major art organizations. In Taiwan, Nanjing, Wuhan, Xi’an, Beijing, Shantou, Guilin, Weifang, Dongguan, Shenzhen and other places solo exhibitions, exhibitions. He published “Selected Works of Zhong Zengya Chinese Painting”. Successively served as director of China Artists Association, Guan Shanyue Arts Research Association, vice chairman of Hunan Province Federation of Literary and Art Circles, chairman of Hunan Calligraphers Association, director of Hunan Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute, the Ninth National Art Maui exhibition area judges, 1999 China Association Host Chinese painting three hundred judges, a national artist, enjoy the State Council special allowance experts.
先讲一个趣闻故事:说是有一个人急急忙忙地跑到一位哲人那儿,说: “我有个消息要告诉你……” “等一等”,哲人打断了他 的话,“你要告诉我的消息,用三个筛子筛过了吗?” “
名为“生生不息的中国艺术”的当代中国画展览,2010年3月4日下午在美国新泽西州蒙克莱尔大学艺术展览馆隆重开幕。蒙大校长苏珊·科尔博士(Dr.Susan A.Cole),中国领馆教育领