山东省蒙阴县宏大纺织有限公司(原蒙阴德阳纺织有限公司),自1986年建厂至1997年,多年拖欠社会保险费,总欠缴额达150多万元,成为蒙阴县乃至临沂市有名的欠费大户。 就是这一欠费大户,今年以来,坚定不移地执行了国务院《社会保险费征缴暂行条例》规定的按月申报缴费制度,按时足额缴纳社会保险费16万元,使这一工作率先走在了全县同行业的前列。 奇迹从何而来呢?因为该公司有了一位有眼光的新当家人——经理宋炳云。 宋炳云,40多岁,中等身材,原任
Mengyin County, Shandong Province grand Textile Co., Ltd. (formerly Mengyin Deyang Textile Co., Ltd.), from 1986 to 1997, years of arrears in social insurance premiums, the total outstanding amount of more than 150 million yuan, as Mengyin County and even Linyi Well-known large arrears in the city. This is the big arrears, this year, unswervingly implemented the State Council “Interim Provisions on Social Security Fees,” the monthly declaration of payment system, on time and in full payment of social insurance premium 160,000 yuan, so that this work took the lead Walking in the forefront of the county with the industry. Where did the miracle come from? Because the company has a visionary new family-manager, Song Bingyun. Song Bingyun, 40s, average body, original