国际风险资本进入中国是九十年代新出现的一种投资行为 ,本文在分析国际风险资本在中国的总体概况基础上 ,探讨了国际风险资本的进入对中国风险投资业的发展、对促进我国中小科技企业发展的技术创新、对我国的资本市场开放与监管、对我国知识产权的威胁等方面的作用与影响 ,以便我们制订相应对策
International venture capital into China is an emerging investment in the nineties. Based on the analysis of the general situation of international venture capital in China, this article explores the development of venture capital in China by the entry of international venture capital, The technological innovation in the development of science and technology enterprises, the role and influence on China’s capital market opening up and regulation, and the threat to China’s intellectual property so that we can formulate corresponding measures