任何新闻媒体,都是以发展有自己特色的新闻产品,并通过这些产品实现社会效益和经济效益的有机统一来表现它的存在价值的。作为“媒体的媒体”的通讯社也不例外,为保证新闻报道与发展新闻信息用户之间的良性互动,其关键仍然在于为用户提供有自己特色的、高质量的新闻信息产品。 马克思在1843年指出:“要使报刊完成自己的使命,首先不应该从外部施加任何压力,必须承认它具有连植物也具有的那种为我们所承认的东西,即承认它有自己的内在规律,这种规律它不能而且也
Any news media are based on the development of their own characteristics of the news products, and through these products to achieve social and economic benefits of the organic unity of the performance of its value. As a “media of the media,” the news agency is no exception, in order to ensure the news report and the development of positive interaction between users of news and information, the key is still to provide users with their own characteristics, high-quality news information products. Marx pointed out in 1843: "In order for the press to fulfill its mission, it should not, at first, exert any pressure on the outside world. It must admit that it has something that the plant has admitted to us, that is, it admits that it has its own internal laws This law can not and should also be