BAS :宽带接入服务器。ADSLPoP中的设备 ,终接PPP会话并提供对路由选择或业务选择的访问。和LAC可以是同一硬件平台。CLEC :竞争性市话运营商。服务供应商市场上的新手 ,大多数是 1996年美国电信监管放宽后出现的。提供ADSL业务的CLEC需要从ILE
BAS: Broadband Access Server. Devices in ADSLPoP that terminate PPP sessions and provide access to routing or business options. And LAC can be the same hardware platform. CLEC: Competitive Local Operator. Most of the novices in the service provider market emerged after 1996 when U.S. telecommunications regulation was relaxed. CLEC to provide ADSL business needs from ILE