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训练总结是对一定时期内的训练,讨论和研究,找出问题,得出经验,用于指导下一阶段的训练。它是做好训练工作的重要环节。通过总结,可以全面、系统地了解训练情况,找出训练安排中的优缺点,可以明确下一步训练的方向,为教练员合理科学地制定训练计划予以指导。每周训练是训练活动极为重要的基本单位,是由数次训练课组成的。在中学阶段,学生课业负担比较重,同时还要完成大运动量和强度的训练,没有过多的时间和精力来分析研究训练。所以,每周的训练总结既简单又省时地全面讨论研究训练情况,为中学生运动员和教练员提供了一个非常实用 Training summary is a period of training, discussion and research, identify problems, gain experience, used to guide the next phase of training. It is an important part of training. Through summarizing, we can get a comprehensive and systematic understanding of the training situation and find out the advantages and disadvantages of the training arrangement. We can clarify the direction of the next training and guide the coaches to formulate a reasonable and scientific training plan. Weekly training is an essential unit of training activities and is composed of several training sessions. In the middle school stage, the students have a heavy academic load, and at the same time, they have to complete a large amount of exercise and strength training without too much time and effort to analyze and study the training. Therefore, the weekly training summary is simple and time-saving to fully discuss the situation of research and training for secondary school athletes and coaches to provide a very useful
急性胰腺炎(acute pancreatitis,AP)是临床常见的急腹症之一,其病程、临床表现及严重程度高度变化。部分AP 有潜在恶化和致命的结果,因此对于AP 严重程度的分级评估变得至关