目的 总结直肠癌术后早期肠梗阻发生的原因及防治经验、教训。方法 回顾性总结了作者近年所遇 5例大肠癌术后早期肠梗阻病人。结果 吻合口水肿 2例经保守治疗痊愈 ,其它 3例腹内疝 1例两次手术后痊愈 ,肠粘连1例、漏诊同时多原发癌 1例均经二次手术治愈。结论 仔细分析病因 ,正规保守治疗 ,及时手术探查应成为该类病人诊治的基本原则。
Objective To summarize the causes of early postoperative intestinal obstruction in rectal cancer and its prevention and treatment experience. Methods The authors retrospectively reviewed 5 patients with early intestinal obstruction after colorectal cancer surgery in recent years. Results 2 cases of anastomotic edema cured by conservative treatment, the other 3 cases of intra-abdominal hernia recovered after two operations, intestinal adhesion in 1 case, missed multiple primary cancers and 1 case were cured by the second surgery. Conclusions Careful analysis of the etiology, formal conservative treatment, and prompt surgical exploration should be the basic principles for the diagnosis and treatment of such patients.