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美容美发业发展到21世纪,特别是由于新技术,新工艺及高科技的引入,美容美发行业开始有了质的飞跃。但就当前市场对美容美发人才的需求来看一般专业技术人员在大中城市已趋向饱和,高素质人才却显得短缺。严峻的现实是美容美发培训机构不具备对高素质人才的培养条件,而以普通专业人员作为培训目标时生源问题又变得越来越困难。因此,作为培训机构,在加强管理教学、注重对外宣传、保证现有生源的同时,应怎样去寻求新的生源增长点,这是必须面对的新问题。就发展而言,如果从城市走向家村,努力挖掘农村生源,扩大家村美容美发业市场的需求,将是解决生源问题的有效途径,也是美容美发学校继续发展的可行方法。 Beauty and Hair Industry to the 21st century, especially due to the introduction of new technologies, new technology and high-tech, beauty salon industry has begun to make a qualitative leap. However, the demand for beauty salons in the current market depends on the general professional and technical personnel in large and medium-sized cities have become saturated, high-quality talent appears to be in short supply. The grim reality is that beauty salons training institutions do not have the conditions for training high-quality personnel, and the problem of students with ordinary professionals as a training target becomes more and more difficult. Therefore, as a training institution, it is a new problem that must be faced to seek new sources of growth for students while strengthening management and teaching, focusing on external publicity and ensuring existing students. In terms of development, if we move from the cities to the villages and villages and strive to tap the rural students’ sources and expand the market for the beauty salons in villages and villages, it will be an effective way to solve the problem of students and a viable method for the further development of beauty and cosmetology schools.
在人们的眼中,家最具浪漫情调。柔柔的灯,暖暖 的光,红红的玫瑰,淡淡的香。在人们的心里,家最是动 人妩媚。一帘一梦,一盏一情,一画一景,一室一温情。 于是,何妨巧饰家居,让
“女人是水做的骨肉”,女性与水之间的不解之缘从古时一直延续至今。现在,又出现了各式各样的化妆水,它既可以为饥渴的肌肤补充水分,又可以收敛毛孔缔造美丽面宠。 “Women
2007年6月16日下午,在美国纽约一栋57层的建筑物里,克洛德正忙碌着公务,突然,电话铃响了,他拿起话筒,“我是让娜,还记得吗?”  克洛德想起,让娜,不就是那个法国姑娘吗?几年前,他出差去巴黎,结识了她,但自回国后,就几乎与她失去了联系,只知道她收入还可以,就是有点颓丧,才24岁,便成天唉声叹气,再好的事也唤不起她的兴趣。怎么现在她会在巴黎午夜零点15分(与纽约时差6小时)打国际长途来找我呢?
美丽的大眼睛、长长的睫毛是每个爱美女性的追求,长而卷翘的眼睫毛会让女性变得魅力四射、风情万种。 Beautiful big eyes, long eyelashes is the pursuit of every beauty
无论原本就带有花纹还是与其他花纹相配,针织衫都能做得最好,简直成了这一季的“万能配”了。不信,你来看看—— Regardless of the original pattern or with other patte