肺癌在很多国家已成为癌症死亡的首要疾病,多数患者诊断时已为晚期。晚期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)是指有远处转移的 NSCLC,除少数单发脑转移或肾上腺转移的患者手术或放疗能延长患者生存期外,多数患者失去了根治手术与根治放疗的机会,治疗以化疗与靶向治疗为主。一、晚期 NSCLC 的一线化疗目前,晚期 NSCLC 的一线化疗效果已达到治疗平台,美
Lung cancer has become the leading cause of cancer death in many countries and most patients are late diagnosed. Advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) refers to distant metastasis of NSCLC, with the exception of a small number of patients with brain metastases or adrenal metastases surgery or radiotherapy can prolong the survival of patients, most patients have lost the chance of radical surgery and radical radiotherapy, Treatment with chemotherapy and targeted therapy. First, the first-line chemotherapy for advanced NSCLC Currently, the first-line chemotherapy for advanced NSCLC has reached the treatment platform, the United States