皮样囊肿和表皮样囊肿可发生于身体各部,但发生于口腔内并不多,现把我院多年遇到的38例(其中2例恶变)报告如下: 临 床 资 料 一、性别、年龄和发生部位:男:女为21:17。年龄在14—65岁之间,平均25岁。发生部位:口底13例、颊8例,唇8例、硬口盖3例、齿龈3例、左右腭弓2例和口角1例。 二、症状和病程:局部有异物感6例,肿胀感4例,肿物感27例,肿胀伴痛感6例,肿
Dermoid cysts and epidermoid cysts can occur in various parts of the body, but not in the oral cavity. 38 cases (including 2 cases of malignant transformation) encountered in our hospital for many years are reported as follows: Clinical data 1. Gender, age, and occurrence Location: Male: Female is 21:17. Between the ages of 14-65, an average of 25 years old. Occurrence sites: 13 cases at the bottom of the mouth, 8 cases of cheeks, 8 cases of lips, 3 cases of hard palate, 3 cases of gingiva, 2 cases of right and left zygomatic arches, and 1 case of oral palsy. Second, the symptoms and duration of disease: local foreign body sensation in 6 cases, 4 cases of swollen flu, 27 cases of mass sensation, swollen with pain in 6 cases, swollen